Om Barco Quebrado

Barco Quebrado hamlet ligger i området Costa Rica og berømt for sit turkisblå vand, hvis krystalklare klarhed er utrolig! Dette øger niveauet for strandrekreationsoplevelsen, da det er mere behageligt at være i vandet, jo bedre kvalitet det har. Men lad dig ikke narre af det kølige vand!

Nærmeste strande på Barco Quebrado

se de højest rangerede strande i området

For børn

Samara Beach

Samara 1.2 km
Meget godt
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Overfyldt • Stort lavvande
8.8 Faciliteter indeks

Carrillo Beach

Puerto Carrillo 1.7 km
Meget godt
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Turkis rent vand • Stort lavvande
6 Faciliteter indeks

Playa Pelada

Nosara 3.6 km
Meget godt
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lyst sand & sten • Overfyldt • Stort lavvande
3.7 Faciliteter indeks

Playa Garza

Las Delicias 3.7 km
Meget godt
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Malerisk • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Stort lavvande
2.7 Faciliteter indeks

Playa Guiones

Las Delicias 5.4 km
Meget godt
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lyst sand & sten • Overfyldt • Stort lavvande
2.7 Faciliteter indeks
God til fest

Playa Barco Quebrado

Barco Quebrado 1.6 km
Meget godt
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lyst sand & sten • Stort lavvande • Nederste sand med sten
2.7 Faciliteter indeks

At hvile ved havet for enhver rejsende er forbundet med forskellige aktiviteter. Nogen elsker total afslapning og stilhed, mens andre har brug for aktivitet. Vores konfigurator vil altid hjælpe dig med at vælge en strand, der opfylder dine personlige behov.

Hvis en strandferie for dig primært er lyden af bølgerne, skrigene fra mågerne over bølgebryderen og rolige gåture langs kysten, så er du helt sikkert en fan af rolige strande. De mest populære strande til en sådan ferie i nærheden af Barco Quebrado er Samara Beach, Carrillo Beach, Playa Pelada.

Listen over tilgængelige strandaktiviteter er bestemt vigtig, men for mange rejsende er det ikke afgørende for valget af feriemål. Nedenfor finder du nogle oplysninger om de naturlige træk ved strandene i Barco Quebrado, og vi håber, at disse oplysninger vil hjælpe dig med at finde drømmestedet.

Strandene i hamlet er hovedsageligt bred. Ifølge anmeldelser fra store strandeksperter og feriegæster har de fleste strande en højrenhedsgrad. Sandede - stenede dominerer resten!

Normalt øges dybden meget smidigt. Hvis dette er vigtigt for dig, skal du altid bruge vores filter til at tjekke en bestemt strand.

3 ud af 9 strande i Barco Quebrado er delvist beskyttet mod bølger. Disse beskyttelser kan være naturlige eller menneskeskabte strukturer. Hvis du besøger området under ustabil vejrforhold, anbefaler vi at vælge et sted at svømme omhyggeligt, da høje bølger ikke altid er sikre. Vores filter kan hjælpe dig med at finde en passende strand.

Det er værd at bemærke, at 9 strande i Barco Quebrado har et betydeligt tidevandsområde. Dette betyder, at vandet kan trække sig tilbage fra kysten over en lang afstand og omvendt, hvilket kan føre til uventede situationer for dig eller dine ejendele. Husk dette, når du planlægger dine strandaktiviteter, og sørg for at tjekke vores filter for information om tidevandsområder.

Seneste anmeldelser af Barco Quebrado's strande

Samara Beach
8 Kassidy Crawley

I stumbled upon this beach and it was an absolute gem. However, I must warn you that it can be quite touristy, so if you're seeking a more local vibe, keep that in mind. Additionally, there are freelancers who offer parking services, but you may have to shell out a few hundred colones to ensure a peaceful experience. During our visit, we indulged in the delectable cuisine at La Casita de Mr Wagner. The food was scrumptious and left us wanting more. We also had the pleasure of sipping on refreshing mojitos and piña coladas at the beachfront restaurant with blue umbrellas. In fact, my friend and I both agreed that these were the best versions of these drinks that we had ever tasted. Overall, this beach is a wonderful place to be and boasts a great location. We had no trouble driving from Monteverde and would highly recommend this spot to anyone seeking a relaxing day by the water.

Carrillo Beach
9 Marlo Sturgess

Nestled beside the enchanting Punta Indio, Playa Carrillo is a hidden gem that offers an idyllic, unspoiled beach experience. With no frills or amenities, it's the ideal spot for those seeking a peaceful and secluded retreat. Just a stone's throw from the bustling Playa Samara, you can easily bookend your day with quick trips for delicious meals. The drive from Samara to Carrillo is a breathtakingly scenic route that winds through the area's natural beauty, and parking is readily available right off the road. The beach is well-maintained and perfect for families or a leisurely swim, with the added bonus of far less rambunctious surf than at Playa Samara. For those who prefer camping, Mora Campground is conveniently located nearby. Playa Carrillo is a must-visit destination that promises an unforgettable experience.

Playa Guiones
8 Miguel Manuela

The ocean at this beach is lovely, with crystal clear water perfect for swimming and relaxing. While it may not be the ideal spot for children or those seeking shade, the few huts along the beach provide a cozy respite from the sun. It's true that the surrounding area can be dusty, but the fresh sea breeze more than makes up for it. While it may not be considered a blue zone, the air is still invigorating and refreshing. Although some may feel that the area is overpriced, there's no denying that it's a popular destination for a reason. As a seasoned traveler, I can attest that there are certainly other places in the world that are equally beautiful and healthy, but they may come with a higher price tag. However, the best part is that these hidden gems are just a short distance away, waiting to be discovered. Overall, my experience at this beach was enjoyable and memorable, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a peaceful and rejuven

Playa Barrigona

This beach in Costa Rica is a real gem, but let's just say it's not for the faint of heart. You'll definitely want to bring your trusty SUV to navigate the tricky terrain. But once you arrive, you'll be rewarded with crystal-clear waters and a refreshing lack of crowds. It's the perfect spot to unwind and soak up the sun without any distractions. Trust us, the effort of getting there is worth it.

Playa Pelada
9 Lexa M

This beach is simply stunning, a must-visit for anyone looking to soak up some sun and enjoy the crystal-clear waters. And if you're looking for a true taste of the local cuisine, be sure to check out Olga's bar – the food is out of this world! But if you're feeling a bit fancy and have some extra cash to burn, La Luna is just a stone's throw away with breathtaking views of the beach. It may be a bit on the pricey side, but the ambiance and atmosphere are worth every penny. We didn't get a chance to dine here, but it certainly looked like the place to be seen.

Playa Garza
10 Adeline Natalia

Denne lokale strand er ret dejlig og har rev surf breaks lige uden for kysten, selvom en båd er nødvendig for at få adgang til dem. Derudover er stranden let tilgængelig.

Den varmeste måned i området er marts, hvor lufttemperaturen stiger op til 34.2°C og vandtemperaturen op til 29.6°C. Den koldeste måned er oktober, hvor lufttemperaturen falder ned til 27.6°C og vandtemperaturen ned til 27.3°C. Luft- og vandtemperaturen tillader behagelig hvile i hamlet året rundt, hvilket turister og lokale nyder med glæde og fordel.