Om Villaricos

Villaricos landsby ligger i området Almeria} Spanien og selvom der hverken er storslåede landskaber eller utrolige vandfarver, findes der en rig historie og venlige lokale på enhver måde! Og selvfølgelig er der den unikke kystatmosfære, som ikke kan skjules! Når du først har besøgt dette sted, vil du huske indtrykkene i lang tid!

Nærmeste strande på Villaricos

se de højest rangerede strande i området


Playa de Puerto del Rey

Costa Laguna 0.9 km
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Blåt vand • Sandbund
4.7 Faciliteter indeks
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Enestående skønhed • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Blåt vand
4.7 Faciliteter indeks

Playa de Luis Siret

Villaricos 0.4 km
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lys fint sand • Blåt vand • Fin sandbund
2 Faciliteter indeks

Playa de Garrucha

Garrucha 0.2 km
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lys skaldesand • Blåt vand • Shell sandbund
3.7 Faciliteter indeks

Playa de Quitapellejos

Parque Vera 2 1 km
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Blåt vand • Øde
2 Faciliteter indeks

Playa de la Invencible

Villaricos 1.8 km
Gratis indgang • Virgin Beach • Nem adgang • Let sand og småsten • Blåt rent vand • Øde
1 Faciliteter indeks

At hvile ved havet for enhver rejsende er forbundet med forskellige aktiviteter. Nogen elsker total afslapning og stilhed, mens andre har brug for aktivitet. Vores konfigurator vil altid hjælpe dig med at vælge en strand, der opfylder dine personlige behov.

Hvis en strandferie for dig primært er lyden af bølgerne, skrigene fra mågerne over bølgebryderen og rolige gåture langs kysten, så er du helt sikkert en fan af rolige strande. De mest populære strande til en sådan ferie i nærheden af Villaricos er Playa de Puerto del Rey, Vera Playa Naturist Strand, Playa de Garrucha.

Listen over tilgængelige strandaktiviteter er bestemt vigtig, men for mange rejsende er det ikke afgørende for valget af feriemål. Nedenfor finder du nogle oplysninger om de naturlige træk ved strandene i Villaricos, og vi håber, at disse oplysninger vil hjælpe dig med at finde drømmestedet.

Strandene i landsby er hovedsageligt bred. Ifølge anmeldelser fra store strandeksperter og feriegæster har de fleste strande en mediumrenhedsgrad. Sandede - stenede dominerer resten!

Da klippefyldte strande er ret almindelige her, anbefales det at medbringe vandsko, hvis du er følsom overfor det. På den måde vil din ferie være så behagelig som muligt.

Normalt øges dybden normalt. Hvis dette er vigtigt for dig, skal du altid bruge vores filter til at tjekke en bestemt strand.

Seneste anmeldelser af Villaricos's strande

Playa de Puerto del Rey
8 Cristian Ochoa

Be mindful when you visit this beach, as it is primarily composed of stones in a lot of areas. You'll need to wear booties to make it easier to enter and exit the beach. Once you step foot on the beach, you'll find it covers a large area. Don't miss out on trying the delicious skewers from the beach bars - they're definitely worth it!

Vera Playa Naturist Strand
8 Dahlia Jones

The pictures of canines on the sand at this naturist beach may be misleading. Despite the visuals, this isn't a pup-friendly spot. The signs clearly state that no pets are allowed at any time of the year. I've taken my dogs for a walk here before and was scolded by the authorities. The only option is to take them for a stroll on the pathway at the rear of the beach, and only with a leash. Friends of mine have also been reprimanded by lifeguards for walking their pooches along the beach during peak season, and some German friends were even fined. If you want to take your furry friend for a walk, it's best to go to Palomares/Villaricos instead.

Playa de Garrucha
8 Troy McTavish

This location is a great alternative to the busier beaches of Mojacar. The sand near the sea is incredibly soft and inviting, and the beach is easily accessible. It's a beautiful spot to spend the day!

Playa de Quitapellejos
8 Raven Swan

This location is a lovely place to take a stroll, with plenty of trees providing shade for parking. Unfortunately, the constant traffic can be a bit of a nuisance, kicking up a lot of dust. Nevertheless, the beach is easy to access and makes for a pleasant visit.

Cala Penon Cortado
8 Ibrahim Al-Hashimi

The beach was absolutely stunning! From the crystal clear waters to the golden sands, it was truly a paradise. I couldn't help but feel like I was in a dream. The atmosphere was so relaxed and peaceful, it was the perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. If you're looking for a place to relax and unwind, then this is definitely the spot for you. I can't wait to go back! This beach was nothing short of spectacular! From the shimmering waters to the sun-kissed sand, it was like being in a dream. The tranquil atmosphere was just what I needed to get away from the stress of everyday life. If you're looking for a place to kick back and relax, then this is it! I can't wait to come back!

Playa Cala Panizo
6 Bruno

The beach boasts crystal clear water that is perfect for snorkeling. An abundance of fish make it a great spot for underwater exploration. What's more, the shore is lined with Gray fine pebbles, making it a great place to relax and soak in the sun.

Den varmeste måned i området er august, hvor lufttemperaturen stiger op til 31.3°C og vandtemperaturen op til 26°C. Den koldeste måned er januar, hvor lufttemperaturen falder ned til 14.9°C og vandtemperaturen ned til 15.1°C.