Otok Ko Kai Najboljše plaže

ogled najbolje ocenjenih plaž v regiji.

Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Slikovito • Svetel pesek • Dostop z ladjo • Parkiranje prepovedano
0 Indeks ugodnosti
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Osamljen • Svetel fin pesek • Dostop z ladjo • Parkiranje prepovedano
0 Indeks ugodnosti

Najnovejše ocene plaž Otok Ko Kai

Chicken island Beach II
10 Zara Nadeem

This small island is known for its unique rock formation and features secluded beaches, great snorkeling opportunities, and a snack bar. However, during most island tours, visitors are only able to view the island from the boat and are not allowed to disembark.