O Bay View

Bay View naselje se nahaja v New York} Združene države Amerike ter je znana po svojih turkiznih vodah, katerih kristalna čistost je neverjetna! To povečuje nivo plažnega uživanja, saj boljša voda omogoča prijetnejše doživetje ob njej! Vendar pa ne pretiravajte s hladnostjo!

Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Turkizna voda • Gneča
4.8 Indeks ugodnosti

Hamburg Beach

Locksley Park 0.2 km
Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Turkizna čista voda • Peščeno dno
3.7 Indeks ugodnosti

Za vsakega popotnika je počitek ob morju povezan z različnimi aktivnostmi. Nekateri imajo radi popolno sprostitev in tišino, medtem ko drugi potrebujejo aktivnosti. Naš konfigurator vam bo vedno pomagal izbrati plažo, ki ustreza vašim osebnim potrebam.

Če je za vas počitnikovanje na plaži predvsem zvok valov, kriki galebov nad pomolom in počasni sprehodi ob obali, potem ste zagotovo ljubitelj mirnih plaž. Najbolj priljubljene plaže za takšen dopust v bližini Bay View so Sole at Woodlawn Beach, Hamburg Beach.

Seznam razpoložljivih plažnih aktivnosti je zagotovo pomemben, vendar pa za mnoge popotnike ni odločilni faktor pri izbiri počitniškega kraja. Spodaj boste našli nekaj informacij o naravnih značilnostih plaž v Bay View. Upamo, da vam bodo te informacije pomagale najti kraj vaših sanj.

Plaže naselje so večinoma široka. Po mnenju strokovnjakov za plaže in dopustnikov imajo večina plaž visok stopnjo čistoče. Peščena plaže prevladujejo nad drugimi!

Običajno se globina povečuje običajno. Če je to zate pomembno, vedno uporabi naš filter, da preveriš globino posamezne plaže.

Najnovejše ocene plaž Bay View

Sole at Woodlawn Beach
8 Ember Eldridge

We visited Solé at Woodlawn Beach for the first time and had a good experience overall. Upon arrival, there is a parking attendant who charges $7 for parking. The parking lot was a decent size and well-paved, but quite crowded. There is a yellow building with bathrooms, an event area, gift shop, and the Solé Bar and Grill at the back, where they have live music, cornhole, and seating in the sand for a true beach vibe while enjoying drinks and food. There was plenty of seating, including at the bar, and the staff was very friendly. They also had a small merchandise setup with Buffalo jerseys and clothing, adding to the great atmosphere. The food was a bit pricey and portions were small, but that's to be expected given the beachfront location. To access the beach, you can go around either side of the yellow building, with walk pads and a ramp on one side to help you get there. The beach has a lot of rules, so it's best to read them before visiting. Smoking, vaping, dogs, and alcohol are not allowed, and there are plenty of police around to enforce this. There were some large dead fish on the beach shore, which wasn't the best sight, but overall, it was a fun and cool place to visit if you've never been before. I would recommend checking it out.

Najtoplejši mesec v tem območju je julij, ko se temperatura zraka dvigne do 24.2°C, temperatura vode pa do 22.2°C. Najhladnejši mesec je februar, ko se temperatura zraka spusti na 0.5°C in temperatura vode na -0.4°C.