关于Pirangi do Sul

Pirangi do Sul乡村位于北里约格朗德}巴西, 以其湛蓝水域而著称,水晶般的清澈令人难以置信!这提高了海滩度假的档次,因为水越好,沉浸其中的愉悦感也就越强烈!但别让自己过于冷静哦!


Praia de Cotovelo

Hortigranjeira 1.7 公里
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 明亮的沙子 • 当季拥挤 • 大退潮
5.7 设施指数
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 明亮的沙子 • 当季拥挤 • 大退潮
5.7 设施指数
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 明亮的沙子 • 碧绿色水 • 大退潮
5.7 设施指数
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 明亮的沙子 • 碧绿色纯水 • 大退潮
6.8 设施指数
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 明亮的沙子 • 大退潮 • 沙子和岩石底部
5.7 设施指数
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 明亮的沙子 • 碧绿色纯水 • 大退潮
6.2 设施指数

对于每个旅行者来说,海边休息都与不同的活动有关。有人喜欢完全放松和寂静,而其他人则需要活动。 我们的配置工具将始终帮助您选择符合个人需求的海滩。

如果海滩度假对您来说主要是海浪的声音、码头上海鸥的叫声和沿海漫步,那么您绝对是一个安静海滩的粉丝。 在Pirangi do Sul附近,最受欢迎的安静海滩包括Praia de Cotovelo, 布西奥斯海滩, 布西奥斯海滩II.

年长的旅行者经常会去Pirangi do Sul的海滩,因为大约有 5座海滩 个非常适合他们的需求。 宽敞的场地和良好的海滩基础设施使这些地方成为这群旅行者的理想之选!

海滩上可用的活动列表确实很重要,但对于许多旅行者来说,这并不是选择度假地点的决定性因素。以下是关于Pirangi do Sul海滩的自然特征的一些信息,我们希望这些信息可以帮助您找到理想的地方。

乡村的海滩主要是又宽。根据主要海滩专家和度假者的评论,大多数海滩具有非常干净的清洁水平。 沙海滩占据了其余部分!



在Pirangi do Sul的9个海滩中,有6个部分受到波浪的保护。 这些保护可以是自然的或人工建造的结构。如果您在不稳定的天气下访问该地区,我们建议仔细选择游泳的地点,因为高浪并不总是安全的。我们的筛选器可以帮助您找到一个合适的海滩。

值得注意的是,Pirangi do Sul有9座海滩个海滩存在较大的潮差。 这意味着水可以从海岸退去很长一段距离,反之亦然,可能会对您或您的财物造成意外的影响。在计划海滩活动时,请注意此事项,并务必检查我们的筛选器以获取潮差信息。

关于Pirangi do Sul的海滩的最新评论

9 Elena Soria

This beach is truly remarkable, offering a serene and tranquil sea that is perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation. It is an ideal destination to spend a refreshing day and soak up the beauty of nature.

9 Nathalyn Cove

This serene beach is an absolute paradise for sun worshippers. The tranquil atmosphere is perfect for those seeking a peaceful getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life. With its pristine waters and soft sand, this hidden gem is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to relax and unwind. The gentle waves and the warm sun make for the perfect combination to bask in the glory of nature. Whether you're looking to read a book, take a nap, or simply soak up the sun, this beach has everything you need for a perfect day of leisure. So pack your sunscreen, grab a beach towel, and head on over to this tranquil oasis for a truly unforgettable experience.

9 Wolenski Anderson

This stunning beach boasts a serene desert-like atmosphere during the month of July. For those seeking a more secluded experience, one can venture to the nearby Praia da Enseada de Pedras, where natural pools form and add to the already breathtaking scenery. Despite being surrounded by hotels and houses, this beach remains relatively unpopulated, giving off an exclusive and private vibe.

10 Lorinda Silva


9 Elisandra Silva

The Camarutuba beach is a fantastic spot for families with young children. The beach is well-maintained and offers plenty of activities for kids to enjoy. In addition, the Camarutuba inn provides service to non-guests on the beach, and the outbuildings can even be used as swimming pools. Overall, it's a great destination for a fun-filled day at the beach.

5 ModaFame Lima

The quintessential vacation destination. The sand between your toes, the sun on your skin, the sound of waves crashing in the distance. It's like paradise...if paradise was crowded, hot, and filled with screaming children. But really, who needs peace and quiet when you can have a constant soundtrack of blaring music and people shouting over each other? And who needs personal space when you can be packed like sardines with strangers from all over the world? Sure, the sand gets everywhere and the sunburns are inevitable, but isn't that just part of the charm? And don't even get me started on the joys of navigating the treacherous waters of public restrooms. But hey, at least you can take some pretty Instagram photos and pretend like you're living your best life. And isn't that what really matters?

在这个地区,全年最温暖的月份是三月,气温可达28.6°C,水温达到29°C。 最冷的月份是八月,气温降至26.2°C,水温降至26.6°C。 空气和水的温度使得游客和当地居民可以全年享受舒适的休闲时光。