关于Playa Blanca

Playa Blanca哈姆雷特位于哥斯达黎加, 以其湛蓝水域而著称,水晶般的清澈令人难以置信!这提高了海滩度假的档次,因为水越好,沉浸其中的愉悦感也就越强烈!但别让自己过于冷静哦!

Roma del Mar Beach

Bajo Negro 1 公里
免费入口 • 原始海滩 • 进出方便 • 明亮的沙子 • 碧绿色水 • 沙底
1 设施指数

Playa OPacifico

Bajo Negro 1.4 公里
仅限酒店住客 • 酒店海滩 • 如画 • 进出方便 • 明亮的沙子 • 碧绿色水
4.3 设施指数

Playa Blanca

Leona 0.3 公里
免费入口 • 原始海滩 • 进出方便 • 明亮的沙子 • 碧绿色水 • 大退潮
1 设施指数

Playa Blanca

Playa Blanca 0.2 公里
免费入口 • 原始海滩 • 如画 • 进出方便 • 明亮的沙子 • 大退潮
2.2 设施指数

Playa Pajaros

Mango 0.6 公里
免费入口 • 原始海滩 • 进出方便 • 明亮的沙子 • 碧绿色纯水 • 大退潮
1 设施指数

Playa Naranjo

Pueblo Nuevo 2.1 公里
免费入口 • 原始海滩 • 进出方便 • 轻质细卵石 • 碧绿色水 • 细卵石底部
1 设施指数

对于每个旅行者来说,海边休息都与不同的活动有关。有人喜欢完全放松和寂静,而其他人则需要活动。 我们的配置工具将始终帮助您选择符合个人需求的海滩。

如果海滩度假对您来说主要是海浪的声音、码头上海鸥的叫声和沿海漫步,那么您绝对是一个安静海滩的粉丝。 在Playa Blanca附近,最受欢迎的安静海滩包括Playa Blanca, Playa Blanca, Playa Pajaros.

海滩上可用的活动列表确实很重要,但对于许多旅行者来说,这并不是选择度假地点的决定性因素。以下是关于Playa Blanca海滩的自然特征的一些信息,我们希望这些信息可以帮助您找到理想的地方。

哈姆雷特的海滩主要是狭窄的。根据主要海滩专家和度假者的评论,大多数海滩具有非常干净的清洁水平。 沙海滩占据了其余部分!


值得注意的是,Playa Blanca有5座海滩个海滩存在较大的潮差。 这意味着水可以从海岸退去很长一段距离,反之亦然,可能会对您或您的财物造成意外的影响。在计划海滩活动时,请注意此事项,并务必检查我们的筛选器以获取潮差信息。

关于Playa Blanca的海滩的最新评论

Roma del Mar Beach
8 Asher Reel

Oh, the joys of staying at the beach during the rainy season! We had the pleasure of experiencing this in May and let me tell you, it was quite the adventure. Falling asleep to the sound of raindrops and waking up to a serene sunrise was a real treat. Getting to the beach can be quite the challenge, but fear not, with a trusty 4x4 and a reasonable driver, you'll make it there in one piece. Our accommodation boasted a stunning pool in the backyard with an awe-inspiring view of the horizon. We spent most of our time frolicking in the pool and indulging in a few Netflix binges here and there. Ah, the simple life!

Playa OPacifico
10 Lysandra Vale

We spent two weeks in Costa Rica and our favorite part was definitely our week at Opacifico beach. The beach and resort are both beautiful. Susanna, Luis, and Ian were fantastic hosts and made us feel special throughout our stay. The excursions, especially the bioluminescence night kayaking tour, were a lot of fun. We highly recommend spending your day relaxing in a hammock on the beach.

Playa Blanca
10 Jacek Nlebl

This beach is absolutely stunning! It's the perfect spot to unwind and recharge your batteries. The serene atmosphere and breathtaking views are sure to leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Whether you're looking to soak up the sun, take a dip in the crystal-clear waters, or simply laze around on the soft sand, this beach has something for everyone. So if you're in need of some much-needed R&R, be sure to make a stop at this idyllic seaside paradise.

Playa Pajaros
9 Samantha Sanchez Abella

This beach is a true paradise, boasting calm waters that are perfect for a relaxing day out. The pristine sand and crystal-clear waters make it an ideal spot for families with young children and seniors to enjoy a leisurely stroll. The abundance of palm trees and other foliage provide plenty of shade, ensuring that visitors can stay cool and comfortable throughout the day. Overall, this beach is a must-visit for anyone looking to soak up the sun in a tranquil and serene setting.

Playa Margarita
10 Luis Eduardo Martinez Garcia


Playa Naranjo
10 Ariana Lea Garcia Castillo

This stunning beach boasts crystal-clear waters that are so calm, you'll feel as though you're floating on a cloud. The beach is adorned with aged trunks that offer the perfect resting spot, and the surrounding greenery is lush with vegetation and palm trees that offer a cool, shaded respite from the sun. The beach and green areas are impeccably maintained and spotlessly clean, with a well-manicured lawn that is both short and inviting. It's clear that the local municipality takes great pride in ensuring that visitors to this beach have a truly exceptional experience.

在这个地区,全年最温暖的月份是三月,气温可达34.2°C,水温达到29.6°C。 最冷的月份是十月,气温降至27.6°C,水温降至27.3°C。 空气和水的温度使得游客和当地居民可以全年享受舒适的休闲时光。