
Atarfe乡镇位于格拉纳达}西班牙, 虽然没有壮丽的景色和令人难以置信的水色,但这里拥有丰富的历史和友好的当地居民!当然,还有无法掩盖的海滨独特气息! 一旦您来过这个地方,将会长久记忆这份美好!


Playas de Salobrena

Salobrena Playa 0.3 公里
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 灰色细卵石 • 蓝色纯水 • 细卵石底部
3.7 设施指数

Puerta del Mar

Almunecar 0.2 公里
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 灰砂和卵石 • 蓝色纯水 • 沙子和卵石底部
3.7 设施指数

Playa de Velilla

Velilla-Taramay 0.6 公里
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 灰色细卵石 • 蓝色纯水 • 细卵石底部
3.7 设施指数

Playa de Carchuna

Carchuna 0.8 公里
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 灰卵石 • 蓝色的水 • 鹅卵石的底部
4.7 设施指数

Playa de La Rabita

La Rabita 0.3 公里
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 灰色细卵石 • 蓝色的水 • 细卵石底部
4 设施指数

Playa Caserones

Casarones 0.1 公里
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 灰砂和卵石 • 蓝色纯水 • 沙子和卵石底部
2.7 设施指数

对于每个旅行者来说,海边休息都与不同的活动有关。有人喜欢完全放松和寂静,而其他人则需要活动。 我们的配置工具将始终帮助您选择符合个人需求的海滩。

如果海滩度假对您来说主要是海浪的声音、码头上海鸥的叫声和沿海漫步,那么您绝对是一个安静海滩的粉丝。 在Atarfe附近,最受欢迎的安静海滩包括托罗克斯海滩, Playa de Lagos, Playa de Algarrobo Costa.

年长的旅行者经常会去Atarfe的海滩,因为大约有 11座海滩 个非常适合他们的需求。 宽敞的场地和良好的海滩基础设施使这些地方成为这群旅行者的理想之选!

该地区的一些海滩距离道路相当远。因此,如果您是一名徒步旅行者,那么您一定会喜欢这个地方。 但如果您是新手徒步旅行者,我们建议您通过阅读描述和用户评论等详细信息来了解是否适合您。 作为回报,您将有机会体验到一片未经触摸的自然野生海滩。


乡镇的海滩主要是又宽。根据主要海滩专家和度假者的评论,大多数海滩具有非常干净的清洁水平。 细卵石海滩占据了其余部分!


在Atarfe的70个海滩中,有4个部分受到波浪的保护。 这些保护可以是自然的或人工建造的结构。如果您在不稳定的天气下访问该地区,我们建议仔细选择游泳的地点,因为高浪并不总是安全的。我们的筛选器可以帮助您找到一个合适的海滩。


Playa Carchuna
8 Luke Anderson

The beach was far from ideal - a dirty, rocky shoreline in a heavily commercialized area. It's not somewhere I'd ever want to visit again.

Playa de Velilla
6 Hannah Thompson

I absolutely adore Almuñécar - it's such an incredible place with friendly locals and plenty of shops to keep you content and your fridge stocked. During the summer, there are many bars along the beach, however, that number dwindles during the winter months.

Puerta del Mar
10 Kaysen R.

西班牙的清爽服务非常出色。啤酒售价为每瓶 2.20 美元。提供了一小份混合坚果小吃。位置就在海滩上。我们没有品尝任何食物。

Playas de Salobrena
8 Agil


Cala del Canuelo
10 Nina O'Connell

This spot was really nice and clean, with pebbles and crystal clear water. Even though the car park was full, there were plenty of other places to park just off the road at the top. There was a minibus that could take you down and back for a small fee, or you could walk which took us 18 minutes at a slow pace. Coming back took us exactly 30 minutes, and we were carrying a small tent and beach stuff. We ate at the far side restaurant which was good. Best of all, the beach has public free entry, so you don't have to worry about paying for entry. Unfortunately, there are no public facilities such as showers or toilets, but all in all, it was a nice quiet day.

8 Eliasz Kaczmarski

I had an extremely negative experience at the beach. After a long night trip, I arrived to find it was a complete disaster. The area I saw was only 200-300 meters of Camping Playa de Poniente, but it was enough for me to decide I never wanted to go back. The sand was not sand at all, but more like clay, grey and completely unappealing. It was littered with broken glass and cigarette ends, as if there had been a wild party the night before. The air was misty, and everything clung to you, making you feel dirty even after a shower. The landscape was flat and unappealing, and although the mountains were nearby, it still gave off an unhealthy feeling. I had chosen this area because I had heard it was undeveloped, but I was not prepared for the mess I encountered.

在这个地区,全年最温暖的月份是八月,气温可达29.1°C,水温达到24.4°C。 最冷的月份是一月,气温降至12.4°C,水温降至15.7°C。