About Mineola

Mineola town is located in New York United States, and famous for its turquoise water, whose crystal clarity is incredible! This increases the level of beach recreation, since the better the water, the more pleasant it is to be in it! But don't be too cool!

Nearest beaches in Mineola

view the highest rated beaches in area

Good for Relax

Roosevelt Beach

Oyster Bay 0.6 km
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Light sand & pebble • Blue water • Crowded in season
6.9 Amenities index
Kids friendly

Atlantic Beach

Atlantic Beach Estates 2.1 km
Paid entrance only • Beach resort • Easy access • Bright sand • Turquoise pure water • Large low tide
6.7 Amenities index
Good for Relax

Orchard Beach

Rosedale 2.6 km
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Bright sand • Blue water • Very crowded
6.3 Amenities index
Good for Relax

Glen Island Beach

Isle of San Souci 2.4 km
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Bright sand • Blue water • Distant parking
5 Amenities index
Kids friendly

East Atlantic Beach

Atlantic Beach Estates 0.3 km
Paid entrance only • Beach resort • Easy access • Bright sand • Turquoise pure water • Large low tide
6.7 Amenities index
Senior friendly

Jones Beach

West Gilgo Beach 7.9 km
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Bright sand • Turquoise pure water • Crowded in season
6.2 Amenities index

Resting by the sea for each traveler is associated with different activities. Someone loves complete relaxation and silence, while others need activity. Our configurator will always help you choose a beach that meets your personal needs.

If a beach holiday for you is primarily the sound of the surf, the cries of seagulls over the pier and leisurely walks along the coast, then you are definitely a fan of calm beaches. The most popular beaches for such a holiday in the vicinity of Mineola are Roosevelt Beach, Atlantic Beach, Orchard Beach.

Travelers with pets often face difficulties during their holidays, as there is often not enough information about pet-friendly beaches. The absence of special permission signs and the lack of up-to-date information on relevant resources are frequent problems. To solve this need, we are developing a special "Pet Friendly" filter and try to keep the information up to date. According to our records, there are about 6 approved pet-friendly beaches in Mineola

The list of available beach activities is certainly important, but for many travelers it is not a determining factor when choosing a vacation spot. Below you will find some information about the natural features of the beaches of Mineola, we hope that this information will help you find the place of your dreams.

The beaches of town are mainly wide. According to reviews of major beach experts and vacationers, most beaches have a high level of cleanliness. Sandy beaches dominate the rest!

Usually, the depth increases normally. If this is important to you, always use our filter to check for a particular beach.

3 out of 19 beaches in Mineola are partially protected from waves. These protections can be natural or man-made structures. If you're visiting the area during unstable weather, we recommend carefully choosing a place to swim, as high waves may not always be safe. Our filter can help you find a suitable beach.

It's worth noting that 4 beaches in Mineola have a significant tidal range. This means that the water can recede from the shore for a long distance and vice versa, causing unexpected situations for you or your belongings. Keep this in mind when planning your beach activities and be sure to check our filter for information on tidal ranges.

A not-so-pleasant feature of the beaches in Mineola is the high density of boats, yachts, or other watercraft on some of them. There are about 5 such beaches, but this may vary depending on the season. If this is a concern for you, we recommend carefully checking the beaches of interest for this issue using our Boat filter.

Latest reviews on Mineola's beaches

Roosevelt Beach
10 Avery Wrenn

This solitary tree on the beach exudes a mystical aura, making it the ideal spot to witness a stunning sunset. It was by sheer chance that we stumbled upon this hidden gem on a cloudy day, which turned out to be the most awe-inspiring sunset we had ever witnessed. The beach is scattered with numerous oyster shells, adding to its natural charm. The tranquil waters are so serene, beckoning visitors to take a dip and immerse themselves in the beauty of nature.

Orchard Beach
8 Dylan Kessler.

I have frequented this beach countless times and the parking lot is perfect for hosting events due to its enormous size. It's also an ideal spot for beginners to practice driving or riding a motorcycle. The park is vast and boasts a huge playground for children with all the usual equipment such as swings, slides and monkey bars. The handball and racket ball courts are fantastic for enjoying hours of spectator sports. The diverse range of cultures in this area can be very humbling at times. Taking a moment to sit back and appreciate the different music and smells of food is what truly represents New York.

Glen Island Beach
10 Lila

This beach is exclusively available to Westchester residents, and a park pass is required for entry, costing $90 for a three-year period. With a pass, parking is just $5, and admission for adults is a mere $4. Additional discounts are available for seniors, children, and military personnel. Those without a pass will find the prices slightly higher. The water is pristine, and the beach itself is impeccably clean, with well-maintained bathrooms and a convenient concession stand.

Jones Beach
10 Liliana Johnson

Undeveloped or undiscovered beaches, commonly referred to as wild beaches, serve as vital biomes for marine biodiversity. These beaches are not altered for recreational or tourism purposes and play a critical role in the breeding and nesting of sea turtles, seabirds, and penguins. The preservation of these beaches and their accompanying dunes also provides protection for inland ecosystems and human infrastructure from extreme weather conditions. A beach is a landform situated beside a body of water, comprising of loose particles such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, mollusc shells, or coralline algae. The density and structure of sediments on a beach vary depending on the local wave action and weather, creating an array of unique landscapes.

Pryibil Beach
10 Liria Esmar.

This was my go-to beach as a kid. The water is tranquil and the atmosphere is serene, making it perfect for doing laps. However, it's exclusive to Glen Cove residents only. If you're visiting someone who lives there, you can get a guest pass from City Hall.

Rockaway Park Beach
6 Nolan K.

The boardwalk, including the nature preserve, has been increasingly crowded. It's becoming more difficult to ride a bike on weekends without having to stop multiple times due to people not paying attention, even in the designated bike lanes. I've been living in Rockaway for a long time, about two years before Rockaway Playland closed, and it's now as crowded as it was back then. The construction work on the cement seawall has really picked up in the past few months. Today's photo.

The warmest month during the year in this area is July, with the air temperature rising up to 28°C and the water temperature up to 25.3°C. The coldest month is February, with the air temperature dropping down to 4.4°C and the water temperature down to 2.9°C.