
Alk乡村位于列澤州}阿爾巴尼亞, 以其湛蓝水域而著称,水晶般的清澈令人难以置信!这提高了海滩度假的档次,因为水越好,沉浸其中的愉悦感也就越强烈!但别让自己过于冷静哦!


Tale beach

Tale 1.3 公里
免费入口 • 便利设施海滩 • 进出方便 • 灰沙 • 碧绿色纯水 • 当季拥挤
7.8 设施指数

对于每个旅行者来说,海边休息都与不同的活动有关。有人喜欢完全放松和寂静,而其他人则需要活动。 我们的配置工具将始终帮助您选择符合个人需求的海滩。



乡村的海滩主要是又宽。根据主要海滩专家和度假者的评论,大多数海滩具有中等的清洁水平。 沙海滩占据了其余部分!



Tale beach
7 Jovan Pekic

Ah, the beach - the perfect place to go when you want to feel like a human sandcastle. This particular stretch of sand is quite expansive, so you'll have plenty of room to spread out and avoid any pesky beach-goers who might try to encroach on your territory. Just be warned, the wind can be a bit of a nuisance - so if you're not a fan of sand in your face, you might want to bring a scarf or a balaclava. As for amenities, there are a few restaurants and shops scattered about, but don't expect anything too fancy. You can rent a pair of sunbeds for a measly $5, which is a pretty good deal if you ask me. And since the beach is pretty undeveloped overall, you won't have to worry about any obnoxious tourist traps ruining your vibe. All in all, it's a decent spot to spend a day or two - but after that, you might start to

在这个地区,全年最温暖的月份是八月,气温可达31.5°C,水温达到26.9°C。 最冷的月份是一月,气温降至10.7°C,水温降至15.4°C。